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Gastric Balloon


If you’ve tried to manage your weight for years with little success, help is available through the Orbera® managed weight loss system, a gastric balloon solution. Mahbod Mark Paya, MD, the director and founder of SurgiThin in West Hills, California, is proud to offer this innovative treatment option. When you’re ready to learn more, call or click online to schedule a face-to-face visit.

Gastric Balloon Q & A

How can a gastric balloon help me manage my weight?

The Orbera gastric balloon system is a device that helps you lose weight by creating a sense of fullness within your stomach. The balloon fills up space within your stomach, limiting the amount of food you can comfortably consume. 

This process ensures that you feel full without overeating. Over time, your body and brain learn to adapt to the sensations of eating smaller and healthier portions. The Orbera gastric balloon only remains in place for six months, after which it is removed and your stomach continues to function normally. 

What is the process of placing and removing the Orbera gastric balloon?

If you and Dr. Paya determine that the Orbera-managed weight loss system is right for you, placing the balloon is a simple and quick process. A diagnostic endoscopy checks your upper digestive system to ensure you are a good candidate for Orbera. 

If so, you are mildly sedated while Dr. Paya inserts the deflated balloon through your esophagus and down into your stomach. Next, a syringe fills the balloon with a sterile saline solution, expanding it until it reaches the approximate size of a grapefruit. 

After six months, you return to have the balloon removed. Again, mild sedation helps you relax during the short procedure. Dr. Paya removes the saline solution, which deflates the balloon and allows him to maneuver it back up through your esophagus. Both the insertion and removal procedures take only around 20 minutes. 

What happens after the removal of the Orbera gastric balloon?

Weight management is not a one-and-done experience. It takes a dedication to embracing lifestyle changes that last. When you rely on SurgiThin for weight management, you receive the full guidance and support of the entire team. 

The Orbera gastric balloon helps kick-start your weight loss journey by helping you feel full without overeating. Once it gets removed, you continue a personalized nutrition and exercise program. The goal is to make these changes part of your ongoing routines so that they become just another part of your day. 

If you’d like more information about the Orbera gastric balloon or other weight loss options, contact SurgiThin by phone to schedule a consultation or you can book online in just moments. 



7320 Woodlake Avenue, Suite 300
West Hills

San Fernando Valley, CA 91307
Phone: 818-293-1246

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